Early Childhood Development

Early childhood offers a critical window of opportunity to shape the trajectory of a child’s holistic development and build a foundation for their future. Providing early childhood development (ECD) interventions to all young children and families is one of the most powerful and cost-effective equalizers we have at our disposal, to ensure that the most vulnerable children can reach their full potential. This programme is aimed to cover ECD to Grade 2. This course emphasizes on the acquisition of the foundational skills for learning.

Theory of Early Childhood Development

The Theory of Early Childhood Development (ECD) curriculum consists of several key components to ensure comprehensive understanding and effective teaching practices. These components include:

Psychology is a scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. The subject has focus on :-
  1. Aspects of human development
  2. Theories of learning
  3. Theories of motivation
  4. Theories of attachment
  5. Temperaments

Mainly focuses critically on educational issues such as :-
  1. Philosophy and its branches
  2. African Traditional Education
  3. Indigenous Knowledge System
  4. History of Education in Zimbabwe
  5. Contemporary Philosophical perspectives in Education
  6. Philosophy for Children

Sociology of Education is the study of education from a sociological point of view. It include :-
  1. Sociological perspectives
  2. Culture
  3. Socialisation
  4. Social stratification
  5. Contemporary issues
  6. Children living in different contexts

Administration issues include :-
  1. Leadership theories and styles
  2. Organisational Practices
  3. Decision making and problem solving processes
  4. ECD centres
  5. Caregivers Infant Toddler Programme

Languages & Humanities

The Languages & Humanities program encompasses several essential elements to guarantee thorough comprehension and proficient teaching practices. These elements include:

It intends to equip the student with an in-depth knowledge of English and encompasses the study of English language and literature in English from Zimbabwe, Africa and the rest of the world.

Zvidzidzo izvi zvinotarisirwa kuvandudza zvine udzamu ruzivo rwemutauro,tsika namagariro avaShona, uvaranomwe pamwe nokuumba unhu hwemudzidzi. Zvakare pane tarisiro yokuumba mudzidzi ane unyanzvi hwokushandisa tsvakurudzo,ruzivo rwemakombiyuta,umhizha hwokuumba nokugadzira zvinhu zvinopa pundutso nekushanda munharaunda.

It intends to equip the student with an in-depth knowledge of English and encompasses the study of English language and literature in English from Zimbabwe, Africa and the rest of the world.

This intends to equip the students teacher with requisite knowledge ,skills ,attitudes, and values for effective ,innovative ,ownership of natural heritage ,management and administration of inclusive program for learners in all contexts of development .It also equips the student with basic knowledge and skills to teach Heritage –Social Studies at primary school level .

Maths and Science

The Maths, Science, and Agriculture curriculum consists of several key components, each designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary for academic and practical success in these interrelated fields. These components include:

This intends to equip the student teachers with requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for effective innovative, management and administration of inclusive programmes for learners in all contexts of development. Topics in Pure and Applied Mathematics are included in the syllabus.

The student teachers is equipped with requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for effective, innovative, management and administration of agricultural activities.

This intends to equip the student teachers with requisite knowledge, disaster risk reduction management skills, attitudes and values for effective, innovative, industrialisation and administration of inclusive programmes for learners in all contexts of development.
It allows a student teacher to develop knowledge , competences and disaster risk reduction management skills that are relevant to the study and practice of Environmental Science.


Practicals encompass several key components essential for effective teaching and learning. These components include:

The course is intended to equip the student teacher with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in Physical Education Sport and Mass Displays.

After going through the course, students are expected to display innovation and modernisation competences in theoretical, pedagogical, practical skills and knowledge in Art and Design in line with the Heritage Based Education Philosophy.

The course aims to help students acquire theoretical knowledge in the history of African music (pre-colonial to post-colonial);

This course equips student teachers with practical skills in the teaching of Textiles Technology and Design to create a sense of entrepreneurship and self reliance; and help student teachers to acquire and apply scientific knowledge in Textiles Technology and Design.

This syllabus aims to impart Food Technology and Design knowledge so as to enable student teachers to deal with contemporary issues affecting the Zimbabwean society and the world at large.